NetworkDataPedia, like it previous sister site, strives to provide a unique open forum to allow industrial experts and battle-scarred veterans to share with readers their first-hand experiences with open source, network management, Wireshark, , and commercial networking technology solutions and methodologies. For that matter, we're emerging our sponsorship opportunity from a simple advertising icon to presenting your business as a solution provider. We appreciate you, and we want to make sure our subscribers and site find value in your product and service solutions as well as help you with Branding your Technology! Click HERE to learn more.

NetworkDataPedia, like it previous sister site,strives to provide a unique open forum to allow industrial experts and battle-scarred veterans to share with readers their first-hand experiences with open source and commercial networking technology solutions and methodologies. For that matter, we're emerging our sponsorship opportunity from a simple advertising icon to presenting your business as a solution provider. We appreciate you, and we want to make sure our subscribers and site find value in your product and service solutions.
Featured Blog Post
Your blog post goes to the top slider section on our homepage and an email alert will go out to all our subscribers! Sponsors get to stay on the Top Articles page for up to 10 days!
**Please Remember - Technical Articles on your SOLUTIONS get leads - NOT logos!
So if you want to get noticed on any site it is all about “Solutions” to the pains that managers and analysts face every day! This is what NDP is all about, giving you a neutral platform to tell your story of success and how you can help in today’s world of Networks and the Cyber experience.
Articles are also a great way to test your company's and product's “Branding” success!
Depending on what you aim to achieve, blog content can be one of the following:
Whitepaper Large Abstract - write a super abstract to convince readers to go to your site and read more!
Technical knowledge - The value of your solution in problem solving or recognition of network issues
Case studies – Real World stories using your Technology with links back to your site for deeper reading
Technical Blog from one of your team members - The Best way to get noticed - Technologist to Technologist
Announcement of a technical webinar that is free to NDP Readers
Special events and contests can only stay on the “Top Articles” page for the time allotted by the sponsorship level.
We will work with sponsors in every way possible to assure that they get the very best possible visibility!
We will review your content to help make sure that article links go back to your homepage or a specific web page of your choice, i.e., landing page, white papers or the product pages.
Sponsor content will get a decent amount of exposure plus a high-quality backlinks from NetworkDataPedia readers.
All articles will stay on the site for at least 2 years.
All Rights will remain with the author and sponsor company!
Technology article guidance by NDP Team
No idea on how to produce valuable content? No problem. One of our editorial team members will assist. We will arrange a call with you to gain a better understanding of your solution. During the call, be sure to provide all necessary information such as your positioning statement, value proposition, and how to be different from competitors. We will give you as much guidance as possible in creating a top quality article representing how your technology can help our readers!
Some Team members are also available to write articles for you but that is individually negotiated.
​We have 3 levels of sponsorship –
Gold is the highest level and there are only 3 spots for Gold level sponsorship.
The Gold Level sponsors get their logo on one of the 3 spots on the website –
Top Articles, Article Blog or the “Know Your Network” tabs.
- Choice is on a first come basis
Gold sponsors get up to 10 NDP-TV videos per year and up to 12 Webinar announcements.
Silver is the next level and this is the original level of sponsorship.
Silver sponsors get 6 NDP-TV videos per year and 8 Webinar announcements
Gold and Silver sponsors get Top Article posting for the above for at least 10 days!
Bronze is for new startups and is meant to help get them visibility in this massive market!
The Bronze level is to help small and start-up companies get their “Elevator Speech”, Their Branding and Solution Story in high gear while getting industry visibility and ready to face competitors.
Bronze sponsors get 3 NDP-TV videos per year and 5 Webinar announcements.
A company can only be Bronze level for one year.
Note -
All sponsors will get their logo and embedded link on the “See our Sponsors” page- Above on this page.
So when someone clicks on your logo it will send them to the link of your choice.
Sponsors get top pick of dates for posting their articles, NDP-TV sessions on a first come first serve basis.
All New "Top Articles" get an email announcement to our growing list of interested readers.
Sponsors may change their Logos and Links monthly or as they wish. Please allow up to a week for the updated posting!
Can Sponsorship help you and your company?
If you wish to discuss new possibilities for getting market recognition and deeper solution knowledge out to the industry please reach out to Tim O’Neill - The "Oldcommguy" our Chief Editor! at