Having boring marketing materials is a great way to not get noticed. And of course, that’s exactly what you don’t want. In order to grow your business, you need to make sure you’re doing everything you can to grab the attention of your customers. From informational flyers to social media graphics, it’s important to create marketing materials that make an impact. Here’s how to get started.
Develop Your Message. Your marketing materials should be focused on how you can help your customers and make their life easier. Tailor your product or service to how it can solve a problem, and get to the point quickly. Plus, don’t forget to explain who you are and why they should buy from you over your competitors.
Know Your Audience. How can you create effective marketing materials if you don’t know who will be seeing them? A big part of marketing is understanding people. Get to know the ins and outs of your customer base, including what they might be feeling when consuming one of your ads. By appealing to the desires of your customer, you’ll have a much easier time communicating your message.
Tell a Story. The secret to capturing the attention of your audience is to tell a story. Storytelling is an essence, not a type of writing. Find a way to hook your audience and tell them something they don’t know. A good place to start is to be relatable and show vulnerability. Did your company start from nothing? Share this with your audience. When executed properly, a heartfelt story can be extremely effective.
Think Outside the Box. It’s all too easy to fall into the habit of following trends. Sometimes, though, the best action to take is the one that nobody else has considered. For instance, in this world of digital advertising and instant communication, nothing stands out like a physical catalog or a direct mail letter. Your research should give you a pretty good idea of what will work with your audience. Use this knowledge to your advantage. Be creative, and have fun!
Making an impact with your marketing materials is a challenge, but it’s easier than it seems. The combination of concrete data and a good eye for innovative marketing will take you a long way.
If you would like some assistance improving your website’s conversion rate, please drop us a line at: editor@gumas.com

Author - This article was written by John and Team - John Gumas is the Founder and President of Gumas Advertising, a San Francisco based full service branding, advertising and interactive marketing agency that specializes in Challenger Brand Marketing. John is considered one of the country’s foremost authorities on Challenger Brand Marketing and is the author of the popular book on the subject entitled “Marketing Smart.”
Check out John’s book at www.marketingsmartbook.com/