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Writer's pictureTony Fortunato

Baselining DNS Response Script and Wireshark Statistics

Since people have expressed interest in more of the following:

-          No nonsense short videos

-          Explanations on how to do things

-          More baselining examples

-          More script examples

I decided to combine them all into one video that is still under 5 minutes.

In this example, I baselined how close to wire speed my Powershell DNS response script is.

I also show you where in Wireshark it reports DNS response time and cover how accurate it is.


For those of you who want the powershell script, here you go.  Please don’t ask for powershell support, you are on your own. 😉



$numberoftests = 100

$dnsserver = ""

$totalmeasurement = 0

$i = 0

$resptime = .100

$testsite = ""


"Tonys DNS test Powershell Script"

"the average of 100 DNS requests for $testsite will be calculated"

"Response time values will be in CSV format in dnsresults.txt"

"$(Get-Date) - Performing: $numberoftests tests to $dnsserver > $resptime seconds"


while ($i -ne $numberoftests)


    $measurement = (Measure-Command {Resolve-DnsName $testsite -Server $dnsserver –Type A}).TotalSeconds

    $totalmeasurement += $measurement

    $i += 1


$totalmeasurement = $totalmeasurement / $numberoftests

Add-Content "dnsresults.txt" "$(Get-Date),$totalmeasurement"


If ($totalmeasurement -gt $resptime) {"** BAD RESPONSE TIME " + $totalmeasurement + " seconds"}

ELSE {"GOOD " + $totalmeasurement + " seconds"}

" "


And the DOS batch file  dns.bat

echo off


echo DNS response time powershell script with 10 second interval

echo set in bat file in the timeout option

echo .

echo ..


Powershell.exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -File dns.ps1

timeout /T 10

goto loop



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