If you’ve ever attended any of my sessions, you probably heard me say 1,000,000 times “test, test, test!”
You probably also heard me say “you never learn much when things go right”

Both of these comments are very closely related. The point is, if you’ve ever installed anything and never had an issue, you don’t learn too much. I know that sounds odd but you have issues, you have to work your way through it and you learn a tremendous amount about the equipment and the configuration.
In this video, I walk you through a load balancing verification exercise I did for a client. They have two Internet links and I wanted to be sure that when the connection failed the other would pick up the load accordingly.
I also wanted to find out how long it took for this process to happen as well as the various commands the helpdesk and use to figure out if this was in fact happening.
In this example, much like many examples the primary link has a faster speed than the backup link. Many times the back up LINK ends up as the primary, and nobody ever notices is until someone mentions that things seem a bit slow.
As I mentioned in the video, it doesn’t matter if you’re the same equipment as I do, just pay attention to the methodology and tools that I use.
Link to hrping
Ubiquiti commands I used
show load-balance status
show ip route
set interfaces ethernet eth8 disable
show load-balance status
show ip route
delete interfaces ethernet eth8 disable
show load-balance status
show ip route